
New Edition

03/08/2010 19:38
We are proud to announce a new edition to our family. A new African Grey Parrot named Ozzy.


Bramble's 3rd Litter

15/07/2010 19:16
I would just like to announce Bramble's 3rd Litter. She has just given birth to 8 puppies. 4 Dogs & 4 Bitches.  3 Orange Boys 1 Black Boys. 2 Orange Girls & 2 Black Girls. We are not registering this litter with the Kennel Club.  


Our Affix

30/11/2009 19:39
I am pleased to announce that we now have our own Kennel Club Affix. CHELARMIZYNX is our new name.


Our Affix

12/11/2009 21:44
We are currently in the process of applying for our own Kennel Club Affix. As soon as we have it sorted and confirmed we will publish it on this site.


Brambles second litter

12/11/2009 21:40
We are proud to pronounce the birth of Brambles second litter of puppies. She has 2 dogs 1 tri coloured and 1 orange roan, also she has 2 bitches 1 orange roan and 1 black and white. they will all be kennel club registered and have a five generation pedigree in which they're are many champions.


Birth of new puppies

18/07/2008 15:45



27/05/2008 20:45
Lynx was our 13 year old Rottweiler. Which Michelle bred from a puppy and had to bottle feed from birth.  Sadly to say we had to have him put to sleep on the 17th of April this year. Pictures of Lynx can be seen in the photogallery. He now has pride of place on our bay window. Gone but never...


Bramble & Bobby's Puppies

27/05/2008 20:39
Bramble and bobby are due to have a litter of puppies Around the 28th of June. We will keep you updated on the progress of Bramble's pregnancy.  Of course when the pups are born we will post pictures on this site. 
